
Getting a Second Opinion

It’s normal to seek more information or a second opinion if you don’t feel completely comfortable with the treatment or approach you are currently receiving. 

Quite a large portion of our patient-base is made up of women and couples who have previously undergone treatment elsewhere. Because we offer innovative and different approaches to fertility treatment and have no barriers to access our services (age, BMI, sexual preference etc), our clinic is a popular option for getting a second opinion and trying ‘something else’ outside of the routine, repetitive standard approaches.

Our doctors will happily discuss your treatment plans and provide you with recommendations for next steps. Although you may have started your journey elsewhere, we believe in due diligence and ensuring every box is ticked so we have all the information needed to provide you with your best chance. 

Visiting our clinic for a second opinion is as simple as an initial appointment, we do not require you to bring any previous results or treatments but you may find it easier if you provide us the following before your appointment;

Meet the team
  • Any test results you have undertaken within the last 6 months. Anything older than this will not give a wholly accurate view of your fertility and health profile.
  • History of previous cycles and treatment. We don’t need every piece of information, but the medications and doses you were on as well as the egg collection and embryo outcomes are useful. 
  • Your partners semen analysis if applicable
  • A copy of your counselling reports if you are undergoing donor

If anything is too difficult to obtain or the clinic wishes to charge you a fee and you don’t want to pay this, it is not essential to bring this information. We may also ask you to undergo further testing that your previous clinic did not request. We don’t charge an incoming handling or service fee if you wish to bring embryos, eggs or sperm from another clinic and can organise all the transfer and storage between ourselves and your previous clinic for you.

At Demeter we don’t want you to feel as though you are having to start all over again but we also don’t want to offer you subpar service by not taking all the relevant steps necessary to gather information about your health and fertility. Please call our admin staff to discuss further about swapping clinics or getting a second opinion.