Naturopath & Acupuncture
At Demeter Fertility we know there are numerous supporting industries that patients seek advice, help and information from throughout their journey. Some of these are scientifically-backed whilst others help our state of mind and some may stem from a feeling of “I need to try absolutely everything”.
At Demeter Fertility our primary focus in regards to your fertility journey is overall physical and mental health. Our doctors will likely provide a regimen of supplements and vitamins that are proven suitable and required by your body and test results as well as mental health support like meditation and good-sleep habits.

However we know many patients want further input and support, like visiting a naturopath or undergoing acupuncture. Our in-house naturopath, Kim Gatenby, is based on the mid-north coast and provides Telehealth consults to patients who would like further information or support in regards to their fertility journey. Kim also offers acupuncture for those in her area and can help you find an acupuncturist who specialises in fertility support closer to you.
Kim Gatenby consults and manages patient care for Demeter Fertility patients located in the Port Macquarie catchment and is highly experienced in fertility care. Kim shares Demeter Fertility’s vision to fertility treatment including a whole-body, natural approach. You can find out more about Kim here.
Is there something else you’re interested in knowing?
Contact our dedicated team at Demeter Fertility