Understanding Success Rates
Many clinics report and advertise their success rates via the Australian government website yourivfsuccess.com.au, while this is a useful tool for many clinics and prospective patients, at small clinics with no barriers to treatment access, success rates can be very skewed above or below the ‘average’.
Statistically success rates the world over are the same, so from clinic to clinic the variations are very slight. Some of the important things to consider when comparing success rates are:
- More eggs collected per egg collection DOES NOT increase the number of babies, but it does increase the cost to you because of the additional number of Frozen Embryo Transfers required.
- Higher doses of FSH produce more eggs BUT LESS babies. Worldwide figures show us that baby rates don’t get much better than around 1 in every 3 egg collections (USA being the exception) and after the age of 40, this is 1 in 10.
- If baby rates are higher than expected from above, it’s important to consider why this might be. The reasons may include limiting cycles for or excluding “difficult” patients often based on aspects such as age, weight and other fertility complications.