Top Tips for Conceiving in 2022

For many, conceiving doesn’t happen in the time frame they expect. It can be frustrating, stressful and upsetting. New Year could be the perfect time to reconsider options. Give yourself the best chance of having a baby in 2022.

Top tips to conceiving naturally:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle – Consume a balanced diet (rich in fibre, folate, lycopene and fruits and vegetables), while minimising the consumption of highly processed foods.
  • Stay positive – maintain a positive mindset.
  • Exercise – Moderate physical activity can increase the ability to conceive.
  • Develop a fertility management plan – Having a plan in place allows for maximising natural fertility, and gives yourself the best chance of falling pregnant on your own.
  • Go easy on yourself – Don’t be too strict on yourself or make such dramatic lifestyle changes that the quest to fall pregnant takes the joy out of sex, work, socialising and everyday pleasures.
  • See a fertility specialist early on to check there are no other health issues that you should address prior to conceiving. Not only will this help you conceive sooner, but may help maximise the long term health of your future child.

When to seek further advice:

“Anyone who is concerned about a delay in conceiving is encouraged to seek specialist fertility advice promptly. There is no longer a “length of time” that any person or couple should wait for assessment, advice and treatment if it is required. Often just seeking professional advice, regardless of age or length of time trying, makes couples feel more positive about the whole experience and gives some clarity around what might be happening,” says Dr David Knight.

For couples who have been trying to fall pregnant naturally, the festive season can be a difficult time. The New Year is a fantastic time to start fresh and consider different options. Dr Knight advises people in this situation to ask their GP for a referral to see a Fertility Specialist, as often there are many factors that can be addressed and improved without needing IVF treatments.

The New Year is a perfect time to consider maximising your natural fertility, or to consider the options are available to you if you have struggled to fall pregnant this year. He also suggests that if you answer “yes” to any of the following questions then it might be time to see a fertility specialist:

  • Are you concerned about the time it has taken you to conceive?
  • Do you already know of a medical reason why you or your partner may have fertility problems?
  • Do you suspect there may be a reason based on you and your partner’s past?
  • Are you single and wanting a baby?

If any of these apply to you, book an appointment with us as a starting point, rather than as a last resort. Delaying too long is one of the main problems that lead to long term infertility.

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