
Ready for the new year? Setting those 2023 fertility goals

With the new year just around the corner, it’s always exciting to look forward to the endless possibilities, experiences and adventures that can happen in the year ahead. So if one of those dreams includes building your family, now is the best time to write down those new year resolutions that you’ll stick to, to cater towards improving your health and maximising your chances of having a baby!


1. Get organised

Planning for fertility is a crucial step, and one that is often overlooked. The concept of the ‘Premester’ focuses on that powerful window of opportunity 6-12 months prior to conception, whereby adopting healthy lifestyle habits can literally change the quality of the genes you may pass down to your baby. So during this time, getting your lifestyle in check by kicking certain habits to the curb – smoking, drinking, unhealthy eating – will give your baby the best chance. If planning for fertility is your goal for 2023, there’s no need to wait until you’re pregnant to start changing unhealthy habits – the more time, the better! Our IVF specialists can also assist you in determining your options for achieving your fertility goals, whether it be focussing on a more natural approach or if medical intervention is best in order to maximise your fertility. Our fertility team operate one of the best IVF clinics in Sydney, known for their innovative and compassionate approach to fertility, so you’ll always know you’re in the best hands when undergoing any IVF treatment with us. Contact our team via here.


2. Create healthy habits

Besides just removing unhealthy habits, prioritising your health by adopting a healthier standard to life, will be crucial for the health of yourself and your future baby. Increasing your intake of fresh foods like fruits and vegetables contribute to your overall health, as well as making exercise a top priority for 2023. While more exercise is a popular resolution for all, targeting a healthy weight by undertaking consistent, moderate exercise is key to maintaining healthy ovulation, and regular hormone production, two facets that are key to increasing your chance of conceiving.


3. Find time for yourself

For some, the start of a new year can be daunting and stressful, particularly if trying to achieve goals like wanting to start, or grow your family. Even though stress can have physical implications on various body systems like impacting reproductive health, stress can majorly impact your outlook on fertility, and leave you feeling overwhelmed. Starting the new year fresh with a positive outlook, and adopting self-care techniques such as meditation, napping, low-stimulus activities like reading, will undoubtedly leave you feeling revitalised and energised for the new year. Parenthood is an emotional rollercoaster, so taking that time to truly focus on yourself, and strengthening the relationship with your partner before this time comes around, will give you the best chance of achieving your fertility goals in 2023.

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