
$2000 IVF Rebate, starting Jan 2023

In an Australian first, women in NSW undergoing IVF and accessing other assisted reproductive treatments (ART) will be given a cash rebate of up to $2,000 to reduce treatment costs as part of the NSW Government’s 2022-23 Budget.


What we know:

  • The rebate will commence on 1 October 2022, with the claimable period from 1 January 2023, so any treatment after 1st October, will be eligible in the claim (We recommend keeping all receipts to support your claim)
  • The rebate will cover any fertility treatment as defined by the ART Act 2007. This includes artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer and any related treatment or procedure that is prescribed by the regulations.
  • Eligible applicants can claim up to $2,000 per person, depending on the total out-of-pocket cost incurred during their treatment. 
  • While you must be a NSW resident to claim, you can have your treatment outside of the state at IVFAustralia Canberra, or any of our other sister clinics across the country.
  • The rebate will be available to 12,000 NSW residents using private fertility clinics like Demeter Fertility


What you need to do:

  • Contact Demeter to make a booking with our doctor to discuss your fertility options
  • Keep receipts of any treatment after 1 October 2022, to have proof when claiming the rebate

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